Nazish Jahangir Khan, a celebrated Pakistani actress, recently addressed a fan’s query about the prospect of marrying star batsman Babar Azam during an Instagram Q&A session. Known for her compelling performances in popular dramas like “Thays,” “Tohmat,” “Kam Zarf,” and “Kahin Deep Jaley,” Nazish has also been recognized as a Best Emerging Talent in TV at the Lux Style Awards.
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When a fan inquired about her reaction to a potential marriage proposal from Babar Azam, the captain of Pakistan’s cricket team, Nazish’s response was clear and unequivocal: she would decline. Her straightforward and frank answer highlights her personal boundaries and professional focus.
Babar Azam, on the other hand, stands as a prominent figure in cricket, currently leading the Pakistan national team. He is celebrated globally for his prowess as one of the leading batters in modern cricket.