In an unexpected twist in the political dynamics of Karachi’s National Assembly constituency NA-242, the Awami National Party (ANP) candidate, Arshad Sohail, has decided to step aside in favor of Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) leader Mustafa Kamal.
According to a spokesperson from MQM Pakistan, Mustafa Kamal visited the Awami National Party office in the Baldia Town area of Karachi, engaging in discussions with local party officials.
Arshad Sohail, the ANP’s nominee for NA-242, officially withdrew from the electoral race, extending his support to Mustafa Kamal. Sohail passionately appealed to the constituents, urging them to vote for Mustafa Kamal in the upcoming February 8 elections.
During the event, Mustafa Kamal highlighted that although there isn’t a formal electoral alliance between ANP and MQM, their collaboration holds strategic significance. He expressed confidence that the ANP-MQM alliance would contribute to peace and progress in urban Sindh, promising a future marked by development and harmony in the region.